
Every project begins with an idea. To transfer that idea to an actual project it is recommended to know the scope of work prior to designing. Having a budget will help aid the design into reality. This process of design consists of five phases: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding & Permitting and Construction Administration.



During this phase of the architectural design process, we will take the information gathered about the project and create design options. Generally presenting these options in the form of conceptual plans, elevations and 3D images, you are able to select a design for the progression to phase two.


At this point, we will take the schematic design you selected, as well as any requested modifications, and revise the design as necessary. At the end of this phase we will begin to discuss preliminary budgeting with contractors and other consultants for budgetary purposes. We take our clients’ budgets very seriously and continually strive to provide accurate estimates throughout the early stages of design. This phase may require additional give and take as we work with you to finalize the details of the design before moving into the next phase.


By now, we will have settled on a final design and will begin preparing drawings, notes, and technical specifications necessary for bidding, construction, and if required, permit applications. This is the phase that many people think of when they picture the work of an architect – the creation of blueprints. Contractors will use these detailed drawings and specifications to prepare for the next phase in the architectural design process.



Having an architect on your side during the bidding phase of home construction is of great advantage to you. At minimum, we can aid you in developing a list of qualified contractors for your bid list and submitting bid packages to bidders. We can also review submitted bids, provide analysis, and help you compare the cost figures that you receive from your bidders. This phase will ensure the contractors understand your project and are providing an accurate bid for your construction.


Finally, once you have selected a contractor and construction is under way, we move into the fifth phase of the architectural design process – construction administration. During this phase, construction administration is provided to address any field conditions as they arise.